Sunday, February 6, 2011

Flashcards: Mendelian Genetics

In a previous post, I mentioned that I had found a great iPhone / iPad app called Flashcards++, which allows you to create digital flashcards and import them to your Apple device and study on the go. (Always a good thing for us busy students!) You can both make the flashcards directly on your iPhone / iPad, or make them on one of two Web sites ( or and then import them. I use I discovered yesterday that I can "embed" the flashcards in my blog. So I thought that I would do that and share a bit of what I've been studying: Mendelian genetics. (That, among many other things!) Feel free to flip through the flashcards if you like. It's kinda fun, in a really nerdy and geeky way. But then again, if you're going into medicine, you have to embrace that inner nerd, right? RIGHT?! Enjoy.

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